We’re going through a series on Christophanies—the startling appearances of the pre-incarnate Christ in the Old Testament.
Through them, we see how Jesus guided the entire biblical narrative long before Bethlehem’s star lit the sky.
If you didn’t catch a glimpse of Jesus in Genesis 1-3, go back and take a look.
But there’s more.
Scripture tells us Melchizedek was “priest of God Most High,” and yet he had no recorded genealogy, no birth or death.
Hebrews 7 takes this mystery to new heights, connecting Melchizedek’s perpetual priesthood to Jesus, our eternal High Priest.
The parallels are uncanny—both stand outside the usual lines of the priesthood, both serve as mediators, and both point to a higher covenant.
And don’t miss the staggering humility. Here’s a king who doesn’t demand service but rather provides it—just like Jesus in the gospels, who took “the very nature of a servant,” as Philippians 2:5-7 proclaims.
Jesus said in Matthew 23:11, “The greatest among you will be your servant.”
The King of Kings stooped to wash dusty feet, heal leprous bodies, and ultimately hang on a cross.
It’s enough to make your mind spin with awe: the supreme Ruler of all creation stepping down into the muck of life to serve His people.
The ultimate King always chose to serve rather than be served, unwaveringly.